For Students

The Department of Computational Physics and Information Technologies (DFCTI) welcomes Bachelor, Master and PhD students to a wide variety of research activities ranging from summer internships and short-term research stages for diploma theses to long-term PhD research programs. Interested students are advised to contact directly the researchers with whom they would like to work (pls. see the links below or visit the 'contact' page).

Practica studenti 2023

Lista temelor/activitatilor propuse de catre DFCTI pentru practica studentilor se poate descarca de aici

Practica studenti 2022

Lista temelor/activitatilor propuse de catre DFCTI pentru practica studentilor se poate descarca de aici

Practica studenti 2021

Lista temelor/activitatilor propuse de catre DFCTI pentru practica studentilor se poate descarca de aici

Practica studenti 2019

Lista temelor/activitatilor propuse de catre DFCTI pentru practica studentilor se poate descarca de aici

Internship studenti 2019

Lista temelor/activitatilor propuse de catre DFCTI pentru internship se poate descarca de aici

Course: C++ in Applied Physics (2019)

Visit the web pages of the course by Dr. Mihai Octavian Dima here

Course: Principles of Computer Science (2017)

Visit the web site of the course by Dr. Horia Corcalciuc: Part I and Part II

Curs practic de calcul Grid (2015)

Cursul sustinut de catre Dr. Mihnea Dulea in practica studentilor din 2015 poate fi descarcat de aici

Aplicatii MPI pentru sisteme de calcul paralel (2015)

Autori: G. A. Nemnes , T. L. Mitran , A. Nicolaev, ISBN: 606-16-0660-3

Teaching materials (2014)

Introduction to Bose-Einstein condensation [in Romanian, for graduate students], Alexandru Nicolin and Mihaela Carina Raportaru, West University of Timisoara Publishing House, ISBN 978-973-125-379-4, electronic version available here.

MATLAB and MATHEMATICA for Scientific Computing, Alexandru I. Nicolin and Mihaela Carina Raportaru, available here.

Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations [in Romanian], Alexandru I. Nicolin, available here.


Acid sensing ion channel (ASIC1) in a DPPC lipid bilayer (50A cutoff)


Spin density in graphene - BN structure with Co impurity substituted on boron


Parametric destabilisation of a Bose - Einstein condensate